The Dumbbell Nebula

M27 The Dumbbell Nebula!

This is the first time I captured a planetary nebula. We had few clear nights in the past week but half of them were ruined because of heavy smoke coming from Canadian wildfires. I was able to spend little over a night in this target given shorter nights during summer.

The Dumbbell Nebula, also known as Messier 27 (M27) or NGC 6853, is a well-known planetary nebula located in the constellation Vulpecula. It is one of the brightest and most easily observed planetary nebulae in the night sky. Here's some information about the Dumbbell Nebula:

Structure and Formation:

The Dumbbell Nebula gets its name from its distinct dumbbell or hourglass shape. It is formed from the expanding shell of gas and ionized material ejected by a dying star. The central star of the nebula, known as a white dwarf, is the remnant of a star that has exhausted its nuclear fuel and shed its outer layers. The intense ultraviolet radiation emitted by the white dwarf causes the surrounding gas to glow and form the nebula we see today.

Appearance and Characteristics:

The Dumbbell Nebula exhibits a central bar or waist, surrounded by two lobes that give it its dumbbell shape. The lobes are composed of ionized gas, primarily hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, which emit light of various wavelengths. The central region of the nebula appears darker due to obscuring dust.

Observing the Dumbbell Nebula:

The Dumbbell Nebula is visible with both telescopes and binoculars. It is best observed under dark skies with low light pollution. Look for the constellation Vulpecula, and you can find the Dumbbell Nebula located about 1,360 light-years away. With a telescope, the nebula appears as a faint, elongated structure. Higher magnification can reveal more intricate details, such as the central waist and the fainter outer regions of the lobes.

Equipment :

Mount  - SkyWatcher EQ6R Pro

Telescope - Celestron Edge HD 8"

Camera - ZWO ASI294MC Pro

Guiding Scope  - SVBony SV106

Guiding Camera - ZWO ASI120mm Mini

Acquisition - ZWO ASI Air Plus

Narrowband Filter - Optolong Lextreme


Exposure  - 5 min subs

Integration - 7 hrs

Gain - 120

Bortle Scale - 7

Software  - Pixinsight, Photoshop
