The Bodes and Cigar Galaxy
Imagine how many intelligent civilizations their might be in those galaxies!
M81 is a spiral galaxy approximately 12 million light years away from us. Accompanying it is the M82 popularly known as the Cigar galaxy due to its shape. The starburst coming out of the Cigar is believed to be due to the interaction with M81. Bottom right of the photo is the garland galaxy about 13 million light years away!
Equipment :
Mount - SkyWatcher EQ6R Pro
Telescope - Orion 115mm EDT
Camera - ZWO ASI294MC Pro
Guiding Scope - SVBony SV106
Guiding Camera - ZWO ASI120mm Mini
Acquisition - ZWO ASI Air Plus
Narrowband Filter - Optolong Lextreme, Optolong Lpro
Exposure - 5 min subs with L-Extreme and 1 min subs with L-Pro
Integration - 16hr
Gain - 120
Bortle Scale - 7
Software - Pixinsight, Photoshop